I know this is a touchy subject. I wanted to start this off by saying that I do NOT like the idea of abortion, quite honestly I put off researching this section for several days because it's not fun reading through all of this stuff. In a perfect world, abortions wouldn't exist because every pregnancy would be wanted and every baby would be perfectly healthy and every mother would have no complications. But here's the thing...we can't legislate our way into that perfect world. Whether I like it or not, abortions happen. People get them all the time. I don't have to agree with their choice for it to be true. And if they aren't legal, that DOES NOT STOP PEOPLE from getting them, they just go about it in unsafe ways that are more likely to result in the death of the mother. It's truly a horrible thing. What I mostly found missing from this section was any sort of suggestion on how to prevent abortions from being necessary in the first place, which we've learned comes from better access to affordable contraceptives, and sex education that actually teaches kids about sex instead of abstinence only programs. Here are some helpful resources about these points. Again, I do not like abortion. I wish they never happened. But I am also realistic and realize that they will happen, whether I like it or not. I do also think that doctors who do not agree morally with the procedure should not be required to perform them. I don't know if that's a thing that happens, but hopefully not. Please read through, skim some of the articles, there are definitely some misconceptions around abortion that I have seen floating around that need to be cleared up and I tried to link relevant information.
a. The Fifth Amendment: Protecting Human Life
i. Guarantee in the Constitution for right to life extends to the unborn
ii. Clarify 14th Amendment to protect unborn children
iii. oppose use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations like Planned Parenthood, so long as they provide or refer for elective abortions or sell fetal body parts rather than provide healthcare
1. I found these two websites very helpful in separating fact from fiction when it comes to Planned Parenthood
2. https://www.factcheck.org/2015/07/unspinning-the-planned-parenthood-video/
3. https://oversight.house.gov/planned-parenthood-fact-v-fiction
iv. states should make it a crime to acquire, transfer, or sell fetal tissues from elective abortions for research, Congress should ban any sale of fetal body parts
1. It looks like the current administration is already moving towards this. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/08/new-us-ethics-board-rejects-most-human-fetal-tissue-research-proposals#
2. Here’s an article that talks about the reasoning behind using fetal tissue in research https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-truth-about-fetal-tissue-research/
v. Ban practice of misleading women on fetal harvesting consent forms (2015 investigation)
1. I couldn’t find reliable evidence that this was happening
vi. we will not fund or subsidize healthcare that includes abortion coverage
1. I’m a bit worried about what this means. Does this mean that a woman who needs to get an abortion for life-saving purposes would be on the hook to pay for it? I don’t necessarily think that’s right.
vii. Oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide
viii. Assist women who face unplanned pregnancy by supporting legislation that requires financial responsibility for the child to be borne by both parents from conception to adulthood.
ix. Support funding for adoption assistance
x. support the states that have laws requiring informed consent, parental consent, waiting periods, and clinic regulation
xi. Condemn Whole Woman’s Health vs hellerstedt
1. The Court ruled 5–3 that Texas cannot place restrictions on the delivery of abortion services that create an undue burden for women seeking an abortion
xii. applaud Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
1. Here’s some great information on the controversy surrounding this https://www.factcheck.org/2019/03/the-facts-on-the-born-alive-debate/
2. 2002 Born Alive Infant Protection Act already protects babies that are born alive
xiii. oppose infanticide
1. Moot point, it’s already illegal
xiv. Call on Congress to enact legislation prohibiting abortion after 20 weeks
1. I feel like this is a roundabout way to say we oppose late term abortion. Here’s the thing. When we say “late term abortion” I feel like there are probably a lot of people thinking that this means we are killing babies that could have survived outside the womb. This is NOT happening. Women with full term, healthy babies are not choosing abortion instead of delivery. This interview with a few doctors was really helpful in understanding (seriously do not get at me that it’s CNN and obviously leftist nonsense, just read it see what you think). https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/06/health/late-term-abortion-explainer/index.html
xv. Against dismemberment abortion procedures
1. An article explaining this https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2017/02/de-abortion-bans-implications-banning-most-common-second-trimester-procedure
xvi. call on congress to ban sex-selection abortions and abortions based on disabilities
1. Not much evidence I could find that sex-selection abortions are happening, but I found lots of support on both sides of the political spectrum for encouraging parents who find out their future child is going to be disabled so that they feel empowered to take care of that child and give it a life. Disability is not a tragedy.
xvii. oppose embryonic stem cell research and federal funding for it
xviii. Support adult stem cell research, want to restore the national placental stem cell bank
xix. call for a ban on human cloning
xx. oppose federal funding for harvesting embryos
b. The Fifth Amendment: Protecting Private Property
i. Against the Kelo decision from the Supreme Court
1. Private property should only be allowed to be taken for true public use
2. Support Private Property Rights Protection Act
c. The Fifth Amendment: Intellectual Property Rights
i. call for strong action to enforce intellectual property laws against all infringers, whether foreign or domestic
d. The Ninth Amendment: The People’s Retained Rights
i. all powers not delegated to the government are retained by the people
e. The Tenth Amendment: Federalism as the Foundation of Personal Liberty
i. Federal Government has too much power, we need to return that to the states
ii. state and local taxpayers should decide for themselves what is best for their communities, instead of having to get grants from the federal government
f. Honest Elections and the Electoral College
i. oppose National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and anything else trying to abolish or change procedures of the Electoral College
ii. National Popular Vote is unconstitutional
1. would guarantee corruption and “every ballot box in every state would offer a chance to steal the presidency”
g. Honest Elections and the Right to Vote
i. pledge to protect voting rights of every citizen
ii. support state efforts to ensure ballot access for the elderly, the handicapped, military personnel and all legitimate voters
iii. Support legislation to require proof of citizenship when registering to vote, and showing a secure photo ID when voting
1. I’m opposed to this. If you live here, you should get to vote. https://www.aclu.org/other/oppose-voter-id-legislation-fact-sheet
2. https://www.demos.org/research/how-do-proof-citizenship-laws-block-legitimate-voters
iv. electronic voting systems should have a voter-verified paper audit trail
v. every state should join the Interstate Voter Registration Cross Check Program
1. Unfortunately it looks like this program is really buggy and not very secure. Voter information is easy prey for hackers.
2. https://indivisible.org/resource/protecting-voting-rights-ending-crosscheck
vi. troops should be able to vote when stationed overseas
vii. citizenship, not residency, should be the basis for apportionment of representatives among the states